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- 10 rem modification (2002) by james t. jones of program 'easy keys' (on issue
- 20 rem 46 of loadstar) by steve goldsmith
- 30 cd$=chr$(17):rem cursor down
- 40 q$=chr$(34):rem quotation mark
- 50 cr$=chr$(13):rem carriage return
- 60 f$(1)="[147] load"+q$+"new dir(52736).o"+q$+",8,1"+cr$+"new"+cr$
- 70 f$(2)="[147] sys52736"+cr$
- 80 f$(3)="[147] load"+q$+"err msg(53120).o"+q$+",8,1"+cr$+"new"+cr$
- 90 f$(4)="[147] sys53120"+cr$
- 100 f$(5)="[147] close15:open15,8,15,"+q$+"i0"+q$+":close15"+cr$
- 110 f$(6)="[147] close15:open15,8,15,"+q$+"v0"+q$+":close15"+cr$
- 120 f$(7)="[147] [198]1:load dir [198]2:display dir [198]3:load file [198]4:drive status"+cd$+cr$
- 130 f$(8)="[147] [198]5:initialize drive [198]6:'v' disk [198]7,[198]8:key definitions"+cd$+cr$
- 140 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"chr$(14):poke214,11:print
- 150 printspc(15)"[204][207][193][196][201][206][199] files...."
- 160 sys57812"ez f keys.o",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,16:poke782,192:sys65493
- 170 sys57812"new dir(52736).o",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,206:sys65493
- 180 sys57812"err msg(53120).o",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,128:poke782,207:sys65493
- 190 t$="[197][218] [195]-64 [198][213][206][195][212][201][207][206] [203][197][217][211]":print"[147]"spc(20-len(t$)/2)t$""
- 200 print" [212]his program creates operations"
- 210 print"accessed by pressing the indicated"
- 220 print"function keys. [213]se device number 8."
- 230 print"[198]1: load an ml program to display the"
- 240 print" the directory of a diskette. [197]nter";
- 250 print" 'new' in direct mode afterward."
- 260 print"[198]2: enter sys 52736 to display directory"
- 270 print"[198]3: load an ml program to display the"
- 280 print" disk drive status. [197]nter 'new' in"
- 290 print" direct mode afterward."
- 300 print"[198]4: enter sys 53120 to display disk"
- 310 print" drive status."
- 320 print" press <[211][208][193][195][197]> to continue"
- 330 geta$:if a$<>" " then330
- 340 print"[147][198]5: initialize disk drive."
- 350 print"[198]6: validate diskette."
- 360 print"[198]7: show function key assignments"
- 370 print"[198]8: show function key assignments"
- 380 print" [194]y changing the expressions for"
- 390 print"the functions f$(n) in the beginning"
- 400 print"lines of the program, you can change"
- 410 print"the operations that the function keys"
- 420 print"carry out. [217]ou will want to change"
- 430 print"the corresponding descriptions, as"
- 440 print"well. [194]e sure to [211][193][214][197] the resulting"
- 450 print"program!"
- 460 print" [206]ow, exit the program and use"
- 470 print"those function keys on your [195]-64!"
- 480 poke214,22:print:print" press <[211][208][193][195][197]> to exit program"
- 490 geta$:if a$<>" " then490
- 500 bu=49408:open1,0
- 510 print"[147] [201]nformation is being entered.... [146]"
- 520 fora=1to8:hi=int(bu/256):lo=bu-hi*256:poke49152+(a-1)*2,lo
- 530 poke49153+(a-1)*2,hi:readb:forc=1tolen(f$(b))
- 540 poke bu,asc(mid$(f$(b),c,1)+chr$(0)):bu=bu+1:next:next:sys49168:new
- 560 rem function key evaluation
- 570 data7,1,3,5,8,2,4,6
- 10000 n$="c-64 f keys.bas2":d=peek(186):if d<8 then d=8
- 10010 close15:open15,d,15,"s:"+n$:close15:save n$,d:verify n$,d:end